WBP Phenolic bamboo plywood

WBP phenolic filmed bamboo plywood is very common used in concrete and bridge constructions due to it has smooth surface and it is easy to remove,and also it’s a cheap plywood.This kind of plywood is made of natural bamboo mat,thin bamboo curtain and press under high temperature and high pressure,and using high density phenolic glue,to make our bamboo plywood has excellent water resistance,the water boiling proof up to 12hours.Moreover,due to its moisture resistant,deforming resistant,anti-corrosion and moth proof,this filmed bamboo plywood can be used more than 10 times in both surfaces.

Product name:Phenolic filed bamboo plywood

Regular size: 1220x2440mm/1250x2500mm/610x2440mm

WBP resistant: More than 12hours

Density: 900-950kgs/m3

